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Friday, August 17, 2007

WattHead Turns Two Years Old!

That's right, on August 11th, WattHead turned two years old.

In my first post two years ago, I called on my readers - at that point, just a close group of friends and family - to "Start fighting global warming, like yesterday people!"

Since then, I've gotten a lot better at this whole blogging thing, I've gone from a student studying the issue on the sidelines to a policy analyst and renewable energy advocate working every day on these issues, and WattHead's readership has expanded from a few friends and family to hundreds of people every day.

But in all that time, the message of this blog, the message I've been trying to convey, has changed little: the need to tackle the climate crisis has only grown more certain and more urgent, and the call to begin the transition to a sustainable energy future more relevant than ever.

I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read what I have to say here at WattHead, to thank those who've contributed to the WattHead community with great comments and insights, who've helped spread the word about this blog and who have invited me to participate in other blogs over the years. Thanks for taking what a young student turned young renewable energy advocate and climate change activist has to say seriously, despite my lack of credentials.

Here's to another year of progress towards a sustainable energy future!


David said...

Congratulations, Jesse. I've enjoyed reading your blog over the last few months.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Jesse! We are all very proud of you and the large contribution you make to the renewable energy field. Keep it up! :)