The Tesla Roadster has some new competition. Shelby SuperCars (SSC) is preparing to release an all-electric version of their Ultimate Aero super car ("the world's fastest production car," according to SSC). The Ultimate Aero EV will replace the internal combustion engine with two of SSC's newly developed All-Electric Scalable Powertrains (AESP) to produce 1,000 HP and 800 lb-ft of torque, enabling the electric roadster to rocket to 60 mph in a mere 2.5 seconds! That's almost twice as fast as the all-electric Tesla Roadster.
The Ultimate Auro EV will have a top speed of 208 mph and an all-electric range of 150-200 miles on a single charge. Shelby also claims the electric sports car will come equipped with the company's "Charge on the Run" on-board charging system which "allows for full battery recharges in as little as 10 minutes."
According to the Shelby press release:
Being the "World's Fastest Production Car," SSC decided the Ultimate Aero [was] the perfect high visibility outlet to demonstrate the capabilities of its new Green powertrain. ...The company plans to start "full-scale preproduction" of the Ultimate Aero EV in the second quarter of this year, and also plans to package their AESP electric motors for "a wide variety of applications ranging from 200 horsepower for economy and midsize cars, to 500 horsepower for light trucks and SUVs, and up to 1,200 horsepower for delivery trucks, heavy-duty equipment, buses and military vehicles." The Ultimate Aero EV will be the first vehicle to highlight the "green" technologies developed by SSC Green Inc., a new wholly-owned subsidiary of Shelby SuperCars.
SSC will display its AESP in the Ultimate Aero EV in order to prove that electric-powered vehicles will not only match but also provide more linear power (electric motors have 100% torque at 0 RPM) and overall performance than internal combustion cars.
WattHead readers: you may commence drooling...

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